Matt Garcia Career and College Academy

About Matt Garcia's Public Library Usage

Because our school is directly across the street from a public library, this is what we use for our physical library. I am your librarian to support you with your learning and reading. Please click onto the Reading Page for our online library and read alouds.

Ms. Cindy Mai, Teacher Librarian
Email Ms. Cindy Mai

My Chromebook isn't working!

Chromebook acting glitchy? Try these quick fixes first!
Written Chromebook Repairs & Quick Fixes
Video Tutorial for Quick Fixes

Mental & Social-Emotional Health Resources (Middle School)

Public Library Information and Access

Check out the images below for how to access programs and books offered by our Public Library.

Instructions in English:

hoopla information

student access card information

tumble logo

bookflix logo

SORA logo

solano county library teens write poster

solano county library logo

Instrucciones en EspaƱol:

tarjeta de acceso para estudiantes informacion

SORA logo

acceso a libros en tumblebooks