🌟After School Programs🌟

FSUSD students benefit from the many community partners who also provide after-school programs. Some of the City of Fairfield and Suisun City programs come as a result of the After-School Education and Safety Grant from the California Department of Education. The district is intentional in actively seeking and cultivating community partners who provide services to our students and families. 

Site After School Programs

Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP)
After-School Providers such as:
🌟 Champions - serving grades TK - 6th
🌟 City of Suisun - serving grades 1st - 6th
🌟 Right at School - serving grades TK - 6th

🌟 English Learners
🌟 Income Verification Form
🌟 Qualified for McKinney-Vento or Foster youth

If you are interested in your student attending the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP), please contact English Learners & Instructional Support at (707) 399-5023 or email: fsusd-elop@FSUSD.org

Community After School Programs

Police Activities League (PAL) of Fairfield
Location: FSUSD Sullivan Interagency Youth Services Center  

Salvation Army 
Location: 586 East Wigeon Way. Suisun City, CA. 94585 

Kids in a circle talking.

City of Fairfield After School Programs

  • Fun on the Run 

  • Life after school 

  • Kids Corner

  • Leavens After School Program

For more information about these city programs, please visit City of Fairfield's website.

**Students are provided program until 6:00 pm**