Local Control Accountability Plan
Spanish FSUSD LCAP coming soon...
Próximamente el LCAP del FSUSD en español...
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is an important component of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). School districts, county offices of education and charter schools in California are required to develop, adopt and annually update a three-year LCAP, using a template adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE).
The LCAP is the district’s three year plan for improving student achievement, socio-emotional well-being and community engagement, with a specific emphasis on the students in the following sub-groups: English learners, foster youth and low income students. The LCAP must set annual goals addressing the eight priority areas specified by the SBE and determine specific actions and services to achieve these goals.
2024 Local Performance Indicator Self-Report
The 2024 Local Performance Indicator Self-Report results were reported to the Governing Board during the June 20, 2024, meeting, and the June 27, 2024, meeting.