Welcome to Secondary Education

Kristen witt

Kristen Witt

Senior Director, Secondary Education

FSUSD values and promotes inclusive learning environments by providing all students with tools to be empowered in our educational system and the future. We welcome and value community and family engagement because it is essential to the success of each student. Educational opportunities will be founded on rigorous instruction and positive relationships. An equitable, high quality education will be provided to every student at all school sites. FSUSD is committed to making equity-driven decisions that lead to improved opportunities and outcomes for historically and currently underserved students.

Board Equity Statement ย 

ย ย  Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

Holly Whitworth, Ed. D.

Holly Whitworth, Ed.D.

Assistant Director, Secondary Education


The Department of Secondary Education is responsible for supporting and aligning the goals of the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District with our middle schools, high schools, and adult school.

Our department coordinates the following at the Secondary level to support/align with our district's Local Education Agency Plan: 

  • Implementation of California Department of Education standards-aligned instructional materials

  • Support/observation of research-based instructional strategies

  • Implementation of Benchmark and End-of-the-Year Assessments/support analysis for teacher instructional differentiation for all students

  • Coordination of Extended School Year (Summer School/Intersession) and Extended Day Program

  • Support student enrollment/master scheduling

  • Support research-based Student Intervention Programs

The Department of Secondary Education ultimately prepares our students for their post-secondary goals.  With that in mind, the district schools have many different programs and organizations to support the whole student to be a contributing community citizen.  The Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District website lists each school with links to their websites/phone numbers for further information. 

"The Secondary Education Department ensures educational opportunities are founded on rigorous instruction and positive relationships to build the foundation for students to graduate college and career ready."
